in COVID, Early Treatments, Ivermectin Wake Up! Ivermectin Cures Acute and Long-Haul COVID!! – Dr. Pierre Kory
in Big Pharma, COVID Vax Cognitive Dissonance: Glossing Over the Lack of Vaccine Liability – James Corbett
in COVID Vax, Informed Consent Medical Informed Consent is Our Birthright & We Need to Fight For It! – Mary Holland
in Data / Evidence, Mainstream Media, Masks Do Masks Work? Mainstream Headlines Ignore the Data and Mislead the Public!
in Mainstream Media Journalists… Wake Up and Do Your Job! Question the So-Called Experts! – Del Bigtree
in Bad Science, Vaccines, Vax Studies The PREP Act Allows For Rushed and Flawed Vaccine Studies – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
in Conflicts of Interest, Mainstream Media It’s Impossible For Media to Be Completely Objective – James Corbett
in COVID Vax, Propaganda The Lie and Propaganda Claiming the AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine is Safe & Effective
in Big Pharma, Vaccines When Big Pharma Says Vaccines Are Effective it Does NOT Mean They’ll Protect You
in Early Treatments, HCQ Denying People Hydroxychloroquine is a Crime Against Humanity – Dr. Lee Merritt
in 5G, Conspiracy Theory?, The Great Reset, Vaccines The Horrifying Reality of Quantum Dots, Vaccine Implants and Nano Technology
in COVID, Early Treatments, Fauci Fauci & the Establishment Ignored an AIDS Cure… They’re Doing the Same With COVID
in Big Pharma, Vaccines Pharmaceutical Companies Pay Billions in Damages For Drugs But Not For Vaccines?
in Bad Science, COVID Vax, Data / Evidence, They Said It The WHO Admits the COVID Vaccines Have Many “Scientific Unknowns”
in COVID, Early Treatments Everyone Must Hear This!… There is a Cure For COVID!! – Dr. Stella Immanuel
in Big Pharma, Vaccines The Mad Science of Vaccine Manufacturing – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Mike Adams
in Bill Gates, The Great Reset The Disturbing Microsoft Patent For Transhumanistic Microchip Technology
in Bad Science, COVID Vax, They Said It, Vax Studies Pro-Vaccine Doctor Says the COVID Vaccine Trials “Were Not Inclusive Enough”
in COVID Vax, Natural Immunity, They Said It Pro-Vaccine Doctor Says Vaccinating the Naturally Infected is Unnecessary & Harmful
in Big Pharma, COVID, Early Treatments Hydroxychloroquine is a Threat to Big Pharma Because it Acts Like a Vaccine
in Big Pharma, COVID Vax, Vaccines People Are Waking Up to Big Pharma’s Vaccine Agenda – Andrew Wakefield
in Bill Gates, Conflicts of Interest Money and Bill Gates Are Dictating World Health Policy – Andrew Wakefield
in Fact-Check, Propaganda Exposing the Dubious Methods of the So-Called “Fact-Checkers” – James Corbett
in Conflicts of Interest, Mainstream Media Mainstream Media Conveniently Ignore Stories That Don’t Serve Their Interests
in Big Pharma, COVID Vax, Natural Immunity, They Said It Cleveland Clinic Says Those Who Had SARS-CoV-2 Unlikely to Benefit From Vaccine
in COVID Vax, Vax Injury Young and Healthy Basketball Player Suffers Brain Blood Clots After COVID Vaccine
in COVID Vax, Informed Consent, They Said It Eric Clapton Says He Was Not Given Informed Consent Prior to the COVID Vaccine
in Autism, CDC, Data / Evidence, They Said It, Vaccines Whistleblower Says the CDC Covered Up Data Showing a Vaccine-Autism Link