in Cancer, COVID Vax, Vax Injury 4 Harms of the COVID Vaccine: Immediate Death, Organ Damage, Autoimmunity & Cancer
in Big Pharma, Healthy Living, Vaccines We Don’t Need Pills & Vaccinations For Health! We Need Healthy Immune Systems!
in Informed Consent Medical Informed Consent is Being Eliminated Before Our Eyes – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
in Asymptomatic Spread, Masks The Harmful Effects of Masks and Social Distancing – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
in Bad Science, Vaccines, Vax Studies Coronavirus Vaccine Animal Trials Have Been Failing For Over a Decade
in Bad Science, Vaccines, Vax Studies The PREP Act Allows For Rushed and Flawed Vaccine Studies – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
in Big Pharma, Vaccines When Big Pharma Says Vaccines Are Effective it Does NOT Mean They’ll Protect You
in Big Pharma, Vaccines The Mad Science of Vaccine Manufacturing – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Mike Adams
in Bill Gates, The Great Reset The Disturbing Microsoft Patent For Transhumanistic Microchip Technology
in Big Pharma, Vaccines, Vax Studies When They Say Vaccines Are “Safe and Effective” Does it Mean it’s True??
in Big Pharma, Healthy Living, Vaccines Big Pharma Promotes Vaccines Over Health! – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
in Big Pharma, COVID Vax, Vaccines The Plan to Vaccinate the Entire Globe Began Long Before COVID – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny