in Big Pharma, COVID Vax, Data / Evidence, FDA FDA is Committed to Transparency… Won’t Fully Release Vaccine Data Until 2076
in COVID Vax, Data / Evidence, Fauci, They Said It, Vaccines Fauci Admits That Vaccines Have the Potential to “Enhance the Infection and Make it Worse”
in COVID Vax, Natural Immunity There is No Science to Support Getting the COVID Vaccine AFTER Infection
in Bad Science, CDC, COVID Vax, Data / Evidence Shocking Evidence of the CDC’s Blatant Disregard For Science and Vaccine Safety
in Authoritarianism, COVID Vax, Mandates 3 Things You Can Do to Fight Back Against Vaccine Mandates – Melanie Dragone
in Bad Science, COVID Vax Pfizer’s Booster Shot Safety Trial Conducted on Only 12 People Over the Age of 65!
in Bad Science, CDC, COVID Vax The Public is Being Misled by the Reported Efficacy Rates of COVID Vaccines
Popular in COVID Vax, Mandates How to Respond to an Employer Who is Coercing the COVID Vaccine – Peggy Hall
Popular in COVID Vax, Mandates, Politics International Law States That Experimental Vaccines CANNOT Be Mandated
in Censorship, COVID Vax Pro-Vax Doc Warns Americans Are Being “Blinded to the Safety Data” of Vaccines
in COVID Vax, Data / Evidence, Vax Injury, Vax Studies Joe Biden Lied About COVID Vaccine Safety… Here’s the Data to Prove It
in Anti-Vax, Bad Science, Big Pharma, Data / Evidence, They Said It Pro-Vax Doc Says Medical Establishment Lacks Evidence to Prove Anti-Vaxxers Wrong
in COVID Vax, Data / Evidence, Natural Immunity Here Are Peer-Reviewed Studies Showing Natural Immunity is Better Than Vaccine Immunity
in COVID Vax, Data / Evidence, FDA, They Said It, Vax Injury FDA Director Says Data Shows an “Increased Risk” of Heart Inflammation After Vaccine
Popular in COVID Vax, Data / Evidence, Vax Injury Photographic Evidence of Cellular Damage Caused by the COVID Vaccine – Dr. Ryan Cole
in Asymptomatic Spread, COVID Vax, Fear Why Are We Vaccinating Children Who Have a 99.97% Survival Rate For COVID-19?
in Authoritarianism, COVID Vax, Mandates How We Can Legally Challenge Vaccine Mandates by Employers, Colleges, Government
in COVID Vax, FDA, Vax Injury mRNA Technology Inventor Says the FDA Dismissed His Warning Over Vaccine Dangers
in COVID Vax, Vax Injury, Vax Studies Could the COVID Vaccine Cause Infertility in Women and Men? – Dr. Roger Hodkinson
in COVID Vax, Data / Evidence, Vax Injury, Vax Studies Alarming COVID Vaccine Safety Data Regarding Bone Marrow, Ovaries & Autoimmunity
in Big Pharma, COVID Vax Cognitive Dissonance: Glossing Over the Lack of Vaccine Liability – James Corbett
in COVID Vax, Informed Consent Medical Informed Consent is Our Birthright & We Need to Fight For It! – Mary Holland
in COVID Vax, Propaganda The Lie and Propaganda Claiming the AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine is Safe & Effective
in Bad Science, COVID Vax, Data / Evidence, They Said It The WHO Admits the COVID Vaccines Have Many “Scientific Unknowns”
in Bad Science, COVID Vax, They Said It, Vax Studies Pro-Vaccine Doctor Says the COVID Vaccine Trials “Were Not Inclusive Enough”
in COVID Vax, Natural Immunity, They Said It Pro-Vaccine Doctor Says Vaccinating the Naturally Infected is Unnecessary & Harmful
in Big Pharma, COVID Vax, Vaccines People Are Waking Up to Big Pharma’s Vaccine Agenda – Andrew Wakefield
in Big Pharma, COVID Vax, Natural Immunity, They Said It Cleveland Clinic Says Those Who Had SARS-CoV-2 Unlikely to Benefit From Vaccine
in COVID Vax, Vax Injury Young and Healthy Basketball Player Suffers Brain Blood Clots After COVID Vaccine
in COVID Vax, Informed Consent, They Said It Eric Clapton Says He Was Not Given Informed Consent Prior to the COVID Vaccine
in Big Pharma, COVID Vax, Vax Studies mRNA Technology Inventor Says Vaccine “Risk-Benefit Analysis is Not Being Done”
in Authoritarianism, COVID Vax, Mandates How Do We Combat COVID Variants, Vaccine Mandates and Tyrannical Politicians?
in COVID, COVID Vax, Data / Evidence, Vax vs. Unvax Some Data on the COVID Delta Variant Actually Show Unvaccinated Doing Better
in Big Pharma, COVID Vax, Data / Evidence, Vax Studies The Evidence That Big Pharma Endangers Children to Push a Vaccine Agenda
in Big Pharma, COVID Vax, Vax Studies Was This Blatant Vaccine Safety Deception by the New England Journal of Medicine?
in Authoritarianism, Fear, Mass Psychosis COVID-19 is Over, But an Epidemic of Fear and Delusional Psychosis Remain
in Big Pharma, COVID Vax, Vaccines The Plan to Vaccinate the Entire Globe Began Long Before COVID – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
in Authoritarianism, Vaccines What Should You Do If a “Vaccine Strike Force” Knocks on Your Door? – Dr. Gary Null