Where is the COVID Emergency For Generally Healthy Children?
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Some people may argue that a vaccine is needed because even one child dying from COVID is too many.
While it is tragic that some children have died from COVID and that, indeed, even one death is too many, a 0.0003% fatality rate does not constitute an emergency necessitating vaccines that can potentially have fatal or debilitating adverse effects. If the argument, then, is that these effects are extremely rare, the same argument can be made that deaths from COVID among generally healthy children are also extremely rare.
According to analysts in this article: “Covid-19 has killed 280 children under 18 from January through September 2021, the time span in which the alpha and delta variants were active. Flu and pneumonia, heart disease, drowning, guns, and motor vehicles were all deadlier to children during the same time periods annually from 2015 to 2019 (the latest years with available data).”
On average, healthy U.S. children ages 0 to 14 are five times more likely to die in a car accident than from COVID-19 (Source). See the chart below.So it seems fair to ask… Why are we not declaring an emergency for children riding in automobiles?
Dr. Scott Jensen said: “I just don’t understand why we are so hell-bent on vaccinating kids under the age of 20 or 30 that have a statistically 0% chance of dying of COVID-19 disease. When we know that there are clearly evidences that this vaccine is problematic in ways we’ve never seen before, wherein the vaccine wasn’t pulled from the market.” (Source at 23:36)
Dr. Richard Fleming, cardiologist, said: “There’s no data that shows [the COVID vaccine] is beneficial for the children.” (Source at 57:04)
Dr. Drew Pinsky said: “Vaccine therapies are usually targeted. They are shingles vaccine for people over the age of 60. It’s pneumonia vaccine for people over the age of 60. I don’t give those to 12 year olds. It’s yellow fever vaccine for people traveling to endemic areas… It doesn’t make any sense to me that [the COVID vaccine] is the one and only vaccine that is completely indiscriminately distributed even though the primary illness is in the adult.” (Source at 1:00:50)
So these questions remain… Where is the COVID emergency for generally healthy children? And if there is no real emergency for them, why are we giving them a vaccine that is meant for emergency use only?