in Big Pharma, Conflicts of Interest, Propaganda Big Business/Big Pharma Engage in Smear Campaigns/Propaganda to Protect Their Profits
in Bad Science, COVID Vax, Data / Evidence, Propaganda Understanding How Vaccine Makers Grossly Overstate Efficacy Rates, Mislead the Public
in Bad Science, Data / Evidence, Fauci, Propaganda, They Said It Fauci Finally Admits There is an Overcounting of Children Hospitalized Due to COVID
in CDC, FDA, Propaganda Don’t BLINDLY Trust the CDC & FDA… Investigate, Ask Questions, Do Your Homework!
in Ivermectin, Mainstream Media, Propaganda Debunking Propaganda That People Are Overdosing on “Horse Dewormer” Ivermectin
in COVID Vax, Propaganda The Lie and Propaganda Claiming the AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine is Safe & Effective
in Fact-Check, Propaganda Exposing the Dubious Methods of the So-Called “Fact-Checkers” – James Corbett
in Conflicts of Interest, Mainstream Media The Reasons Why Many Journalists Will Not Do Honest Journalism – Elizabeth Vos
in Big Pharma, Propaganda, They Said It, Vaccines HHS Publication Says Vaccine Safety Doubts Can’t Be Allowed to Exist