in Articles, Big Pharma, CDC, COVID, COVID Vax, Doctors, Lockdowns, Mandates, Masks, Politics How Can We Trust the CDC After Learning This?
in Articles, Asymptomatic Spread, Masks Masks: A Deeper Look – Excerpts From Various Studies and Articles
Popular in Articles, COVID, Doctors, Lockdowns, Mandates, Masks, Politics An Exhaustive List of Medical Doctors / Scientists Questioning the COVID Response
in Asymptomatic Spread, Fauci, Fear Asymptomatic Spread is a Driver of Fear, Not a Pandemic – Dr. Richard Urso
in Informed Consent, Masks Masks Are Not All Good! We Need to Consider the Harms to Have True Informed Consent
in Asymptomatic Spread, Masks Clinical Trial Shows That Masks Increase Inhaled Carbon Dioxide to Unsafe Levels
in Asymptomatic Spread, Masks The Harmful Effects of Masks and Social Distancing – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
in Asymptomatic Spread, Lockdowns, Masks Asymptomatic Spread of COVID-19 is Extremely Uncommon – Dr. Ramin Oskoui
in Authoritarianism, Mandates, Masks How Entire Populations Are Coerced Into Complying With Nonsensical Mandates
in Lockdowns, Mandates, Masks The Mental & Emotional Health Crisis Facing Children Due to COVID Mandates
in Bad Science, Mainstream Media, Masks Widespread Mask Usage Proves People Are Following Mainstream Media Over Science
in Data / Evidence, Mainstream Media, Masks Do Masks Work? Mainstream Headlines Ignore the Data and Mislead the Public!
in Asymptomatic Spread, COVID, Lockdowns, Masks Former Pfizer VP Says Asymptomatic Transmission of COVID-19 is Extremely Rare
in Authoritarianism, Fear, Mass Psychosis COVID-19 is Over, But an Epidemic of Fear and Delusional Psychosis Remain